This superb database program made by Petr Adámek is one of the software masterpieces from the Czechlands of 1980´s. It is menu driven and customizable for LOAD and SAVE and other I/O operation with any disk drive system (or Interface I).
Three versions were officially released, two for the ZX Spectrum, the third for the SAM Coupe. All versions store texts of databases in the middle- and east-european character code page KOI8.
Extensions in the "turbo" version (2.0):
- common header for all screens and printed pages
- patterns, groups of chars, could be defined and used repeatedly (that saves a memory)
- vocabulary list style for one-line records (one line brighted, the next one with the normal paper colour)
- semigraphics patters, e.g. box graphics
- find function could be limited for the selected (and printed on the screen) records only
- faster sorting, finding, moving and screen building (not dependent on the length of the database)
- improved support of the printer
- works on the ZX Spectrum 128K, ramdisk could be used
- every record has the internal number attribute for input order and faster screen updating
- the EDIT key deletes the whole edited word in input mode
- empty records also could be traced, selected etc.
- calculations also work with empy records
- improved keypress timing (longer holding keys brings the Czech alphabet character)
- import Masterfile databases, by use of a separate tool (MFLOG)
- cyrillic characters support in the 32-char-per-line mode